Thursday, December 18, 2008

Crusty Rolos

A year ago, we decided to get another cat. Keisha, our old fat white cat seemed lonely. My daughter named the new little kitten Lizzie B after one of her then favorite book series.

Lizzie has since grown into a wonderfully mischievous cat. She loves to cuddle; making us very happy to have found her. Though, no sooner does she have you murmuring wistful nothings to her, shes off and scratching the crap out of a favorite chair.


I arrived home this last Monday. As usual, my wife, daughter and I sat down for dinner.

"The cats don't like you anymore" My daughter said taking a sip of water. Her little girl voice had that wagging her finger at me sound to it.

"What?" I said

"Your bathroom has cat poop all over it" My wife added. "One of the cats must be pretty angry with you."

My bathroom? Part of me was irritated that our downstairs bathroom over time became "my" bathroom. Granted, I did have all of my clothing closeted there and I took my shower there. Yet why didn't we call the upstairs bathroom "theirs"? Like parents are counseled regarding starting un-winable arguments with children... pick your battles I thought.

Later, I checked the downstairs bathroom. I have always been a messy person. Clothes lay in a pile in front of the closet; as if I'd struggled to change my clothes and missed hanging them in the closet by inches. By god if there weren't little balls of cat poop strewn -no strategically placed - all over the place. What control I thought. Grumbling to myself, I picked up cat poop with paper toweling and tossed any suspect clothing into the wash.

It perplexed me why one of our cats would be pissed at me. Their litter box had just been cleaned the day before and they had food and water.

The next day I went to work. After hanging up my jacket and getting a cup of coffee I went over my emails. The regular start to my day. At one point, I wandered about the office, looking for someone about something, jingling my keys in my pocket...

And found what felt like a singular crusty Rolos candy. I pulled it out; rolling it in my finger tips and tried to puzzle when I'd left a chocolate kiss in my pocket too long.

...Oh man...

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