Tuesday, February 07, 2006

It pays to take a breath...

Yesterday, as I dropped my daughter off at her daycare; a father with his son in his arms stopped me as I stood by the sign-in table by the daycare's front doors.
"Do you own a Honda?" he said alarmingly
My mind flashed to my car out in the parking lot, flames licking out the windows as thick black smoke swirled in the wind.
"I do!" I replied without thinking.
Pulling out a set of car keys by the black plastic remote, he held them towards me, "I found these by the door, I think their yours."
"Oh thanks!" I said taking the keys.
We smiled at each other as he turned away with his son.
"Oops. These aren't mine" I blurted, finding the familiar lump of my car keys in my front pants pocket.
"Oh." He paused.
His son looked at us like we were nuts, then looked at his friends playing. I could almost hear him mumbling hurry up.
"I'll give it to the office" I offered.
Later, as I left for my car, I suddenly realized...I don't own a Honda.

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