Wednesday, March 26, 2008

I am So Busted...

My daughter and I were driving this morning, on our way to her school. Recently she had lost her first tooth. The next night she had received a golden Dollar coin from "The Tooth Fairy".

"Dad, are there Bee people? She asked from her booster perch in the back seat.

"Bee people?" I replied, not quite sure what she was asking or whether I'd heard it correctly.

"Yea, are Bees people? she continued, " and they can fly right?"

I was driving 65 miles per hour on the Freeway, changing lanes...and she had me completely turned around.

"Bees aren't people, honey" I stated not so assuredly. I was just merging into the right lane, switching with both the car in front of me and one behind. Like some vehicular ballet, as I moved into my lane, they both swapped lanes with me. "Bees are animals...well... insects."

"Bees aren't people?" she asked me quizzically.

"No, Bees are insects. Just like Flies and Ants; that sort of thing." I was back on track. I was explaining how things worked to my daughter and traffic had smoothed out. I was in the far right lane and approaching my exit. We were making good time.

"But Fairies can fly." she said, laying out her imaginary line, waiting for a bite.

"There are no such things as Fairies, honey." I said still believing that we were actually talking about Bees,

Oh, and look at that. My daughter had caught something!

She began reeling me in.

"What about the Tooth Fairy?" she queried me. "And what about the Pacifier Fairy? They're real, right?".

My wife had come up with the brilliant idea of convincing my daughter, when she was younger, that she could "trade" in her pacifiers for a toy. She had only to tie them, with ribbon, to the branches of a tree hanging over our deck and the Pacifier Fairy would take them, leaving her a gift.

I was SO busted. She had feigned with a left Are-Bees-People-Daddy. I'd followed, true to form, and she'd laid me open with a skill beyond her years.

"Oh..uh" I stumbled.

Think Rob, think.

"Those Fairies are real, honey. I've just never...seen...them...before." I said lamely.

Almost as if she were toying with me, she had unknowingly set me up, watched as I blundered into the trap, and then just when she had me and could do as she wished...she let me go.

"Yea, Fairies live in the Sky." she recounted, "They have to be able to fly so they can go home."

"You are right, honey". I knew somewhere someone was keeping track of all the misleading, information I was spewing my daughter's way...and it wasn't me. One day, she'll deftly open me up again and I might just end up eating crow.

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